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Ab 8. April 2022 im Kino:
Anita Rocha da Silveira, BRA, 2021, 127 min., OmdU & OmeU
Eine Gruppe maskierter junger Frauen zieht nachts durch die Straßen, um feierwütige Geschlechtsgenossinnen abzustrafen; tagsüber wird die Jungs-Miliz bei der Leibesertüchtigung bewundert; gemeinsam himmelt man sodann den charismatischen Prediger an. Am Gruseligsten aber ist, dass MEDUSA keine hanebüchene Science-Fiction-Story fabuliert, sondern eigentlich nur ein wenig an der Satire-Schraube dreht. Aufs Korn genommen werden die Evangelikalen und die Anti-Feministen, die „Schönheits“terroristinnen und die Ultra-Konservativen. Ein Rundumschlag, pendelnd zwischen Groteske und Horror, voll auf die Zwölf des internalisierten Machismo. (Alexandra Seitz)
A film of all-consuming rage, MEDUSA seems allegorical at times. But just as often it suggests a moment not so far removed from our own dystopian present. Anita Rocha de Silveira depicts Brazil as a Christian-fascist state, one that uses bands of young evangelicals as its vigilante enforcers. By day, they praise Jesus and are in thrall to a seductive youth minister/politico. At night, they take it upon themselves to thrash and humiliate any woman they deem “impure,” “perverted,” a “homewrecker” or a “Jezebel,” posting the women’s coerced testimonials on Instagram. But there is dissention in the ranks. MEDUSA singles out a young nursing student, Mariana, whose face is scarred during a scuffle. This sets her apart from the group, and soon she is questioning their ideology. Held together by searing colors and a sense of all-pervasive threat, MEDUSA deploys bold stylistic gestures as well as multiple sources of influence (Dario Argento, John Carpenter, Lucile Hadžihalilović, and Gaspar Noé, among others). Overall, MEDUSA offers something like a feminist manifesto, a bevy of ideas primarily intended to knock the viewer upside the head. (Michael Sicinski)
Mari Oliveira
Lara Tremouroux
Joana Medeiros
Felipe Frazão
Bruna G
Carol Romano
João Vithor Oliveira
Bruna Linzmeyer
Thiago Fragoso
Director: Anita Rocha da Silveira
Screenplay: Anita Rocha da Silveira
Director of photography: João Atala
Art Director: Dina Salem Levy
Editor: Marilia Moraes
Sound Design: Bernardo Uzeda
Sound Engineer: Evandro Lima
Sound Mixer: Gustavo Loureiro
Soundtrack: Bernardo Uzeda and Anita Rocha da Silveira
Costumes: Paula Ströher
Make-up: Maria Inez Moura
Assistant Director: Fernanda Nakamura
Executive Producer: Tarcila Jacob
Production: Bananeira Filmes
Co-production: MyMama, Brisa Filmes, Telecine, Canal Brasil
and Cajamanga
Producer: Vania Catani
Country of production: Brazil
International Sales: Best Friend Forever